Tuesday 27 December 2011

Tell It To Me Straight

I wish that people would just tell you when they no longer want you in their life. It would make things so much simpler... And as an added bonus, one wouldn't look or feel so stupid when a supposed friend blatantly ignores you without warning or farewell. Am I being a bit dramatic about this?

I would much rather have someone tell me to just get lost than be stuck thinking that I still mean something to them. I don't want to expect to be cared about when really I'm the last thing on someone's mind. To be completely it hurts even more when someone doesn't specify whether or not you're worth their time. The only thing that's worse than being ignored is thinking you deserve not to be.

If you're anything more than a spineless coward, then tell it to me straight. Tell me I'm no longer needed... no longer necessary. I want you [whoever 'you' may be] to expel any doubts or queries in my mind and tell me that I don't hold a piece of your heart and that I don't need to stick around any more. Just tell me the truth of the matter instead of leaving me to assume things. I don't particularly like assuming things.

I won't be perfectly okay with the fact that I'm no longer needed or wanted in your life. It will just allow me to deal with it sooner rather than hanging in denial.

Tell it to me straight. Tell me you don't love me any more.


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