Wednesday 30 November 2011

Believe The Best

Expectations. We all have them. We expect certain things from certain people. Sometimes one can go as far as building up an image that someone has to live up to... And when they don't quite reach those expectations we feel let down because of what we actually end up experiencing, right?

I find it strange that because we are human, we have so much ability to do so much in the lives of others yet our flaws make it possible for us to do so many stupid things. In addition to none of us being perfect, we proceed to make life more complicated. Guys can say that girls complicate things unnecessarily but let me just say that guys aren't completely innocent either.

Speaking from a personal point of view, I know that it's so easy to just assume the worst of someone. Luckily it's something that is a choice and we have the ability to control. Recently I've learnt that there's a gap between what we expect and what we experience. We can choose to fill the gap with either "assuming the worst" or "believing the best". It's the most common thing just to assume that people will let us down because that's just how society has trained us to think. All that assuming the worst does is ruin relationships. Why? Because you convince yourself that you cannot trust that other person and what's a relationship without trust? A broken one.

I'm the kind of person that usually believes the best in people. Sometimes, however, I'm blind to whether people actually genuinely have good intentions or if they're just using me. So basically what I'm getting at is that I get hurt a lot. I'm a push over... A doormat... A people pleaser. Yes, one of those. I'm cool with that. You may not be though, so just be careful. Believe the best until they actually do something to break your trust. Don't break it prematurely.

Believe the best about others. Believe the best about yourself.


Monday 28 November 2011

I Don't Want To Bring You Down

This is a song that I wrote. Initially I intended it for someone who is very important to me, practically family, and I let him down over and over and over again. In my mind I had some twisted idea that he only paid attention to me when I was sad or had some kind of issue that I needed to deal with. I looked for things in my life to screw up. I screwed up myself to make it seem like I needed him more. I don't know what about my messed up mind lead me to believe that hurting myself and the people I love would, in any  way, be beneficial. I've realised that this song actually belongs to so many other people who I've dragged down with my negativity. 

So to all those people- I am truly sorry and do know that the only reason I told you those perhaps depressing things about myself was because you were someone that I truly loved and trusted. Chances are that I still truly love and trust you.

Here it is: My meagre attempt at an apology.


Every time I opened my mouth
I just expected your pity
Nothing but the bad came out
A sight that wasn’t pretty 

You listened with a good heart 
And the best intentions
But after I drove you away
Killed by my own conventions

I can’t believe I blamed you so now I blame myself
The last thing I wanted to do was bring you down…

I didn’t want to bring you down
I didn’t want to make you frown
I can’t believe I let you down
I don’t want to bring you down

I can’t forgive myself for what I did to you
After I told you that I loved you
Push me to the ground 
But I don’t want to bring you down

I took you for granted
Didn’t take into consideration
That I was depressing as hell
That you wanted happier conversation

Oblivious of my selfishness
Ignorant at the worst of times
And now I’m trying to apologise
With fancy words and rhymes

The sadness of the matter is that you don’t know the good in me
And I don’t know the real you coz I was just too busy bringing you down

I didn’t want to bring you down
I didn’t want to make you frown
I can’t believe I let you down
I don’t want to bring you down

I can’t forgive myself for what I did to you
After I told you that I loved you
Push me to the ground 
But I don’t want to bring you down

I just thought about myself
Took advantage of someone who cared
Turned you into someone who 
Really couldn’t care less

I thought that I was a victim
Meanwhile I’m the murderer
I broke the trust we had
Pushed you further and further
I didn’t want to bring you down

I don’t want to hurt myself
I don’t want to hate myself
Not because I love myself
But because I love you

I’m sorry for not making you laugh
I still want to make you smile
I know I broke promises
And regaining your trust is going to take a while

I don’t want to do you wrong
Tryna prove it with this song
I want you to be proud of what you see 
I want you to be happy every time you see me

And I don’t want to bring you down


Positivity is key.

Love you all, teacups.


Saturday 26 November 2011


I don't think that the person who introduced the concept of self-esteem really knew what they were doing at the time. Would it be naive of me to wish that people weren't so wicked with words? Sometimes you can have that moment where you can look in the mirror and think that you're actually looking pretty good... and then someone ruins it in the next instant- just to remind you that you don't deserve to feel beautiful or to be happy. They just make you feel damn ugly.

Today I was working on my drama monologue (Lorca, remember?) with my amazing [ex-]drama teacher. She did my make-up and made me look beautiful... but because of my "low self-esteem", I refused to look at myself. I'm not going to go into all the intricate details of my unbelievably depressive psyche regarding all of the "Whos" & the "Hows" & the "Whens". I was scared to see myself because I didn't feel like I had the right to be beautiful. The saddest part about it all was that all of this negativity is in MY mind. I choose to let certain things control me and I fool myself into thinking that I'm just wired that way and I cannot change that reality in my life. It's all lies... And I've gotten to the point where I'm sick of feeling like I'm not good enough.

Today I got home and it seemed like my entire family was just bent set on being against me. I looked really different with my make-up and whatever... My mom said I looked nice in a rather unconvincing tone and her eyes were saying "What are you trying to prove?". My brother didn't say a word but,to be fair, I really didn't expect him to. My sister, my dear older sister. She succeeded, as she has many a time, in effectively calling me and implying in  her words that I am ugly. When I walked out of our lounge and began to cry, my brother proceeded to call me a cry baby. It wasn't necessarily the most hurtful comment but it just stung at that moment in time. How can people who are supposed to love you, hurt you so blatantly and without a thought to how it's going to affect you?

Thanks to the advice of the wonderful Claire Watling, I now have a morning mantra! Every morning I have to look at myself in the mirror and say "I'm so thankful that I'm such a beautiful person who is valuable and loved."

Even though I know people are going to say things that hurt me, I'm going to keep my head up... Even when there are tears coming down my face. I refuse to be addicted to a lifestyle of misery, pain and disbelief in my ability and more importantly, for me, God's ability. I'm not a slave to a hateful society but rather a servant to a loving God. No one can choose my feelings towards myself. 

Don't EVER be fooled into thinking that the person bringing you down is better than you in any way. We are all beautiful, valued and LOVED! 

If it means that I am proud of who I am, how I look and what I stand for... Then I don't care. You can label me whatever you see fit. 

If it means that I'll be happy. Then yeah, I'll gladly be ugly.

This was a while ago with my good friend, Lynn. I didn't want to show my face... And now I don't know the memory behind my own hands- because I wouldn't allow myself to see it. You miss out on so much when you refuse to open your eyes. (BTW... I'm not blue in real life- it's just the effect in which the photo was taken. P.S. I think this is the longest photo caption ever!)

Friday 25 November 2011

Jumping Castles, See-Saws & The Unrequited

Everybody has been in love with someone that can never be theirs right? Or is that just me...

The most abundant kind of love is that which we have labelled "Unrequited"-simply meaning unreturned. This world has taught us to be drawn, almost addicted, to what we can't have. Pretty much every time I have fallen in love -or gotten close to it- it has been one-sided. You know how people say that if a guy and a girl are best friends that at least one of them will, at some point in their relationship, have feelings for the other. Now, I am always that person... The best friend who wants ever so badly to be so much more but knows that they never can nor will be. It's a melancholy thought, knowing that what you want is something you won't get... Unless you're living in some kind of fairytale and you get whatever you want. If so, good for you. That doesn't help the rest of the silently-loving people in this world though.

The worst thing about having feelings for your best friend is that feeling of being torn. You want to tell them how you feel because they're your best friend and you can tell them anything, right? But on the other hand, you're filled with this unbelievable fear that telling them will ruin everything between the two of you and that your friendship will never be the same again. 

The sad thing about people like me (and maybe people like you?) is that we sit on the sidelines and pretend to be okay. We watch the people we love and care about the most as they fall in love with everybody but us... And when they fall out love and they're broken inside, they run back to us and because we are who we are, we heal them and hold them and make them laugh again. Then they go off and love someone else, knowing that we'll be waiting should they need us. But they don't know the feelings that are lurking inside of us and haunt us.

We're like jumping castles. We fill them with joy... So they can jump into the air, so they can feel free instead of earthbound. They get to breathe in the sweet fresh air and taste the brilliant blue sky. The air doesn't last though... Soon it will choke them and hurt them- force the tears from them... And then they must come back down. Down to where we, the Unrequited, wait ever-patiently for them. They know we're there and that we will ALWAYS catch them and never leave them to crash back down to the hard earth that is reality. The only reason they're not afraid to jump is because they have their jumping castles. If anything, be proud of the fact that you allow them to be fearless. Even if it's only for a little while.

Other relationships are usually like see-saws. While the one gets a taste of the air, the other supports them and they're constantly swopping roles. At some point on a see-saw, both parties are at an equilibrium which is where they're at the same point and distance from the ground. They experience a balance that Unrequited never really get to have. 

I was initially going to name this post "You Always Belonged To Someone Else" because that is truly what it feels like. We never dare to try at love because we don't want to risk jeopardising or hurting an amazing friendship. Fear runs our lives which is the same for all humans (i.e. we are sometimes compelled to do things out of fear). So naturally, we fear losing that closeness to that person. It's almost as if we become complacent and settle for just friendship if it means that we will still be close to that person even if it's not typically romantic or remotely physical beyond friendly hugs and kisses on the cheek to signify hello and goodbye. They will always belong to someone else. Unfortunately that's how love and life works. As I always say, never be ashamed to cry- it doesn't make you any weaker or less of a good person. So cry if realising that you're not going to get what you want makes you want to cry... otherwise, maybe it's time to start moving on and letting go.

Humans can't switch off emotions or choose who they fall for... It's just one of our many flaws. Perhaps the easiest thing to do for now before that moment comes when you get onto the see-saw instead of being the jumping castle is just to ask yourself a lot of questions about why you feel the way that you do. You may actually find that you like the idea of being with that person instead of the actual... because you know how great they make you feel as a person and how happy they make you. They know how to make you laugh when you feel utterly terrible, they're always there for you to talk to, they just completely get who you are. Let me let you in on a little secret... Those are all the symptoms of a best friend. Just because they're a good friend doesn't mean you're meant to be together on a romantic. If that were the case,you would both somehow feel something more... And it would be somewhat easier to say how you felt. 

Don't unnecessarily risk the see-saws in your life. It's okay to be a jumping castle, as long as you're not getting hurt. You're no one's doormat.

Be patient and you'll find happiness if you look for it in the right places. Love is the closest thing we have to magic, so don't abuse it. Love is what separates us from the hell-bound.

Live, Laugh & Love... Even when it's not returned. 


Thursday 24 November 2011

"Access: Local Only"

Have you ever experienced that moment where you're desperately in need of internet access for research or your Facebook fix and your network is down. I sat yesterday pressing the 'refresh' button on my internet connection manager that was plainly refusing to rectify itself. I hate it when the network is down... especially because that just happens to be the time when I most want or need it to be working as it normally does. I cringed when I moved my cursor over my Internet icon and it said "Access: Local Only". Local Only might as well just be "You Can't Do A Damn Thing". It's the same as no network coverage except it gives you the slightest bit of hope because at any minute your connection to the rest of the world just might be repaired... Yeah right.

It's a good analogy for life actually. We are all dependent on the people around us- whether we actually like people or not. So in a way, our connection to people is like our internet connection. If we are in good space with the people in our lives then we're in a "Hot Spot" because our network coverage is excellent. Sometimes when we are going through stressed situations we have what we call "Limited Access" or "Connection Error". The difference between life and internet connection is that"Local Access Only" and "No Network Coverage" are different... "No Network Coverage" means you're dead or something. Sorry. 

"Local Access Only" refers to those times in life when you feel really alone. By 'Local' we are referring to ourselves... i.e. All we have left is ourselves. Sad, I know. Like the internet dilemma, we often go through these times feeling as though we needed or wanted the outside world the most at that point. Let me just say... OBVIOUSLY you're going to feel that way. No one ever wants to feel loneliness and connection is ALWAYS wanted and needed. However, sometimes it good to be in that place so you have time to look at yourself and ask yourself where you're actually going and where you're currently at in life. It gives you a time to slow down and think before getting caught up in the outside world all over again. For example, when my Internet was down yesterday, I was sad at first because I felt like blogging but then I was able to make better use of that time studying for my Maths Exams (The studying didn't really help though but maybe I won't fail as badly now!)It's absolutely horrible to be in a position where you feel like the world is slipping away and all the people that you love and care about are just no longer within your reach (while you can't do anything to stop it). It's honestly terrible and heart wrenching. When you experience Local Access Syndrome, I suggest you cry it out... or if crying isn't quite your thing, find a punching bag or talk a really long jog... or do something happy and mindless like playing Angry Birds or Plants VS Zombies. Just don't take it out on yourself... because that will only make your connection harder to repair. (Trust me: You want this to be over as soon as possible. You don't want to linger in a realm of self-inflicted suffering) 

Eventually, connection will be restored to your life. Somehow things get better when we accept our situations and make the best of what we have. Don't ever feel entitled to connection and you'll be less hurt when it's taken away from you but also don't expect life to constantly be horrible. I know this may sound cold, but just take it on the chin and battle it out (easier said than done!). Right now, I'm in the "Local Access Only" zone of life and I don't know when and how I'm going to get back my connection. I know it's going to happen and my server (for me, my Internet Server is God because He provides me with everything I need including the people in my life)will restore connection and I will be all the better for having dealt with Local Access in a healthy way.

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

<<Refresh>> <<Refresh>> <<Refresh>>


Tuesday 22 November 2011

Language and Literature

I write both my English Literature and Language Exams tomorrow. I can hardly say that I've studied though. One would think that English would be relatively easy considering it's the language we communicate with. The only difference is that in education, we are not taught 'our' English... We are taught the English that is socially accepted as 'correct'. 

I'm sure if someone tested the grade 11 student body at my high school on colloquial English grammar, we would all pass with relatively high marks on the most part. Perhaps it's just me that sometimes finds English to be very archaic. 

I spent today writing a 3 hour Life Science exam (that was easier than expected, I will have you know), followed by an hour of extra Maths and English Revision for two hours further. Needless to say that I am quite tired today so no other studying took place on my end today- I'm not ashamed to admit that.I think I've somehow accepted the fact that I want be receiving an 80% or more for both papers. I don't think I know the work specifically enough... yet nor do I want to.

In essence, what I have almost 'discovered'-if you will- or perhaps confirmed is that in life one has to pick one's battles... and very carefully. Life tends to pass you by more easily if you don't have some sort of game plan- no matter how casual or loose it may be. For me, I have to constantly remind myself of where my priorities lie. So for me English isn't a priority for me but Maths is and so is my Drama Prac (which I have prep for tomorrow morning at 7.15! Aaah!). That's a mediocre example but I'm hoping you'll see my point.

If you don't really understand why I decided to name this post 'Language and Literature' because it doesn't really represent all I've been talking about... Just now that I haven't a clue either.  Remember, I named my blog after teacups so I'm not one for conventional names per say. 

No pictures to brighten the post this time. I thought it would be perhaps a bit more fitting if this were just words... just English.

So that's it... My words.


Black Tuesday

I don't know how much I am allowed to say without risking being incarcerated for up to 25 years.

Today, 22 November 2011, the Secrecy Bill was passed in South Africa... Here is something shocking:

October 19 1977 - South Africa's Apartheid government bans several
local newspapers for publishing news articles about the beating 
and murder of Steve Biko at the hands of the police... the ANC protested this violently.

Fast Forward...
November 22 2011 - South Africa's ANC government passes the Protection of Information Bill allowing the incarceration (for up to 25 years) and banning of any journalist or entity that makes public information about the corrupt nature or actions of members of government.

This is so sad. It's amazing how badly people want power and how long they will try absolutely everything to remain in power.

Nelson Mandela made South Africa a promise- a promise that has now been broken... Not by his own faults but by the actions and 
decisions made by the party he was once an integral part of.

"Press freedom will never be under threat as long as ANC is the majority party" -Nelson "Madiba" Mandela

Is it possible to appeal to the government now to rethink their decision? And perhaps justify it... I don't want another version of Apartheid to take place. Please, Lord I beg and pray NO.

Please pray for South Africa.

As my school prays every Thursday at the end of assembly:

The Prayer for South Africa.

"God bless South Africa, GUIDE her leaders, GUARD her children and give her PEACE... And let that peace begin with ME. Amen."
Use the hash tag #blacktuesday on Twitter to find out what other people are saying and be informed about the actions the government has made. 

South Africa has been overcome a lot of things in the past... Perhaps this is something we can add to the list.

We will not be CENSORED... This country is too beautiful and has been through way too much to be silenced.


Monday 21 November 2011

Living Lorca

So I take drama as one of my electives at school and it is by far my favourite subject. (Even though lately the latter comment has undergone serious reconsideration due to a new drama teacher and bratty disrespectful classmates with a sense of cocky entitlement)

Anyway, for our practical exam we have to do any monologue of our choosing (just no Shakespearian or South African theatre). I chose a monologue from Lorca's epic "Blood Wedding". It is an amazing play. Just go and Google the script- it's intense stuff. So I play the role of a bride and in my monologue I am facing my mother-in-law because, in essence, I am responsible for the death of her last surviving son who I had just married. The story is really really twisted and juicy. So so much drama. In the play, my character runs off with 'my' cousin's husband on the day of 'my' wedding to the bridegroom. My cousin's husband just so happens to be my ex-lover whose family was responsible for the deaths of my mother-in-law's husband and other son. So when I run off with my old lover, my new husband leads a search party to get me back. Both my husband and ex-lover end up dying in a knife fight... I loved them both- just differently and for different reasons. I loved my husband because he was gentle, kind and good and he would've saved me from pain. I loved my ex-lover (Oh! His name is Leonardo in the play by the way!)out of passion and heat and irrationality- it was all very heated and sexually-driven. So YEAH! Go read the play... It will probably be able to explain it better than I can. It really is a beautiful play.

The reason for this post is that I just want to relay some of my experiences while I've been working on this piece. I think it might drive me insane. The fact of the matter is that my real life situation is very similar to that of the bride at the moment. I'm not responsible for the death of the two men I loved but the feelings, in essence, are very similar. She's battling with a choice and is struggling between acting on her dark sexual, sensual self or her obligatory duty as a wife, daughter and woman. I am a seventeen year old girl that loves easily, has fallen for two guys in particular and is struggling with her sexual identity. My sexual orientation remains heterosexual yet I  have reached a point in my life where because I have experienced what it felt like to be loved or at least temporarily wanted, I want more. I have a gaping hole that is my physical needs and my labido... "I am a woman on fire. Inside and outside ablaze with agonies" (A line from my monologue). I feel so raw when I deliver this monologue. I feel like someone has exposed me to a side of myself that I have never known before... or never acknowledged. 

I'm a kid whose been bound tightly by rules... my parents aren't Amish or anything- just over-protective. So naturally, my first kiss is something they think I haven't had yet. (Hopefully they won't be one of the people reading my blog- otherwise oh well...) YES I KISSED A BOY... AND I LIKED IT. I'm probably not going to marry him but nor will I regret my relationship with him. Ever since then it was like someone had set off a ticking time bomb because my physical needs, that had been ever-building, were on the verge of causing me to implode. And Lorca's play keeps reminding me of the choices I have to make between passion and duty and which one is suitable in certain situations... Because while I know my parents want what's best for me, the do not understand how my mind works and how I process things. I know it's a cliché to say that 'My parents don't understand me' but they really don't. They have no idea who I am... I'm not saying that's due to a lack of trying but rather due to fear. I've expressed interest in things they don't know anything about- namely performing arts and acting in particular... It scares the living daylights out of them not knowing the kind of people I will meet along the way or if I'll make good decisions. They fear the unknown which is 100% normal and understandable. 

So dear Teacups, the moral of this post is not to deny the existence of your shadow-self. We all have parts of ourselves that we are scared of. Actors in articular actually face that shadow-self more than any other type of person because we need to tap into those emotions in order to perform a character. I don't mean go and act on every dark impulse... I just mean accept your human nature and make the distinction of where your loyalties lie. Make decision based on passion or duty depending on which suits the situation the best. 

Be You... 

Thank you Lorca.
Originally the Spanish, "Bodas De Sangre"


Paris Anyone?

I love this look. I'm going (or hopefully going) to Paris in June/July of next year with my History class... I think I've found my outfit inspiration... Oh yeah, I think Selena Gomez is cool... And as for the whole Justin Bieber thing? If you want my take on it... Well- who am I to judge love?? If they're happy then I think they're great together.

 Desktop Wallpapers · Gallery · Travels 
 Eiffel Tower Paris France
Pretty soon I'll be taking these kinds
of pics for myself :)



Friends With Benefits

If you're anything like me, you should never have any friends with benefits. They will ruin you. Because if you're like me, you'll be expecting a relationship and you just won't get it.

I happen to be a person who unluckily has very bad timing... And I'm even more unlucky in the area of romance. I'm not socially awkward or anything it's just that I'm not allowed to have any romantic relationships. I'm a 17 year old girl, with raging hormones just like the rest of them, whose parents are very strict about what I'm allowed to do. So that means: No Boyfriends. Bad timing on the other hand... His family is from Namibia but he goes to school here in Cape Town and lives with his cousins. So he goes back to Namibia (without me of course) every holiday. Also he is writing his final Matric exams at the moment. Today is actually his last exam... And he'll be on his way back to Namibia by tomorrow until he starts university in February. So needless to say we're not going to maintain any physical relationship.

So naturally when I was in the situation where I could only be someone's friend (with benefits), I saw it as a loophole. It turned out to be a rather unfortunate experience for me... And you're probably thinking, "Yeah, serves you right. You should have listened to your parents." I love my parents but they're just a different kind of oppression. The reason why it was a fail was not because a girl my age shouldn't be having romantic relationships, it was because a girl with my personality cannot do casual. It wasn't a boyfriend/girlfriend kind of vibe... it was really just like we were good friends who made each other laugh,had interesting conversations... And made out on occasion.

Although I feel like spilling my emotional guts onto this blog at the moment, I know it would be wiser to speak to people I trust about all the gory details. 

I need to gain Trust for my Teacups (That sounds cool)

Point of this post: Friends with benefits always disappoint if you're the kind of person who loves very easily.


Sunday 20 November 2011

Life Science Paper 1

Have you ever really wanted to do something but just could never actually bring yourself to do it??

Well, I am writing Life Sciences Paper 1 on Tuesday. It's a lot of work to study. I really want to do well and study but I just can't!! Perhaps, it's my fault for surrounding myself with so many tempting technological distractions.

I'm sitting here blogging like a crazy person while in actual fact what I should be doing is sitting at my desk with complete silence with my nose in the books. For some reason I just can't make Life Processes of Plants and Animals & Environmental Studies seem any more appealing to me at the moment. I have so many good resources to study from but I just don't want to do it- Even though I want to get an A in Life Sciences and even though I do quite enjoy the subject in itself. 

I'm praying that God will thrust some sort of sense of will upon me. I do have an off day tomorrow so I can spend it studying Life Sciences but I need to study English and Maths as well. So I'm freaking out.

What I just can't seem to understand is that I do understand the consequences of not studying and I'm freaking out about it but I'm still sitting here without the slightest intention of closing my Facebook, Twitter and Blogger tabs any time soon.

So I just logged into Twitter (Yes, I'm into that kind of thing... Follow me if you so wish @JillzyPopz) and my Life Sciences teacher sent me the link for our Grade 11 check list, for our exams, containing summaries on most of the sections. Whoop Whoop! Okay, maybe I'll be a bit more willing to take a look at this stuff now. 

It's amazing how distracting technology can be! Aaaah! Wow. 

[Oh my Teacup... My Life Sciences teacher now wants me to pay her in chocolate for her life saving actions... Maybe I'll be nice and oblige.]
Oh if only this were true and I didn't have to study D:


This is My Blog

So I guess this is where I introduce myself. I'm Jillian. Jill for short. You can call me whatever you want actually- within reason (of course). I'm not a particularly normal person by society's definition but then again... who really is??

I intend to use this blog as an outlet... Perhaps almost like a journal- posting my inner most thoughts and feelings to a group of collective strangers. Granted, I'm not going to bare all of my secrets on the internet... That just wouldn't be intelligent or safe, now would it?

I guess one could describe me as one who has a lot to say but no one to talk to. No... that doesn't mean I'm some homeless person on the hunt for free Wi-Fi who doesn't have any friends. I have plenty of wonderful people in my life. But the truth is that I just don't want to have to tell them my problems any more. I'm a person that enjoys being happy and therefore cringes at the thought of burdening some one else with negativity... or just with too much about myself to be honest. 

One of my good friends recently shared with me that he felt I was always negative whenever I spoke to him and it shocked me. What shocked me more than the fact that I was 'always negative' was the fact that it had taken so long for him to tell me. So I decided that I couldn't risk the downfall of more relationships to negativity. It's just not worth it.

Since then I've just been speaking to God about the negative stuff. Yes, I'm a believer in Christianity. Anyway(I digress), I I felt that it wasn't really fair to God either. I want to be happy when I speak to God (at least for the majority of those times). So I ended up with picking blogging as a solution. It's better than talking to actual people because you're not necessarily burdening anyone with too much talking. It's better than journals or diaries because you actually do talk to people (even if they're half way around the world from you) and you don't fill up book after book with your memoirs (Eco-friendly! Booyah!). It's like the happy medium between reality and imaginary.

So that's why I made this blog... To just speak... About life- my  life. It may relate to you in some way depending on what I'm going through... But then again it may not. Either way, I'm just blogging about the everyday and also the extraordinary. Do with this blog what you will.

This is Me


What's in a name?

Okay... So I don't know why I chose to name my blog "Talking To Teacups"- if you were perhaps thinking that. I was throwing around ideas for names and stumbled across it (Don't ask me how my mind works- I wouldn't be able to answer you)and it sounded cool and kind of catchy so I went with it. 

Teacups can be pretty cool. Only time will tell if they'll be good conversationalists.
