Monday 21 November 2011

Friends With Benefits

If you're anything like me, you should never have any friends with benefits. They will ruin you. Because if you're like me, you'll be expecting a relationship and you just won't get it.

I happen to be a person who unluckily has very bad timing... And I'm even more unlucky in the area of romance. I'm not socially awkward or anything it's just that I'm not allowed to have any romantic relationships. I'm a 17 year old girl, with raging hormones just like the rest of them, whose parents are very strict about what I'm allowed to do. So that means: No Boyfriends. Bad timing on the other hand... His family is from Namibia but he goes to school here in Cape Town and lives with his cousins. So he goes back to Namibia (without me of course) every holiday. Also he is writing his final Matric exams at the moment. Today is actually his last exam... And he'll be on his way back to Namibia by tomorrow until he starts university in February. So needless to say we're not going to maintain any physical relationship.

So naturally when I was in the situation where I could only be someone's friend (with benefits), I saw it as a loophole. It turned out to be a rather unfortunate experience for me... And you're probably thinking, "Yeah, serves you right. You should have listened to your parents." I love my parents but they're just a different kind of oppression. The reason why it was a fail was not because a girl my age shouldn't be having romantic relationships, it was because a girl with my personality cannot do casual. It wasn't a boyfriend/girlfriend kind of vibe... it was really just like we were good friends who made each other laugh,had interesting conversations... And made out on occasion.

Although I feel like spilling my emotional guts onto this blog at the moment, I know it would be wiser to speak to people I trust about all the gory details. 

I need to gain Trust for my Teacups (That sounds cool)

Point of this post: Friends with benefits always disappoint if you're the kind of person who loves very easily.


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