Thursday 24 November 2011

"Access: Local Only"

Have you ever experienced that moment where you're desperately in need of internet access for research or your Facebook fix and your network is down. I sat yesterday pressing the 'refresh' button on my internet connection manager that was plainly refusing to rectify itself. I hate it when the network is down... especially because that just happens to be the time when I most want or need it to be working as it normally does. I cringed when I moved my cursor over my Internet icon and it said "Access: Local Only". Local Only might as well just be "You Can't Do A Damn Thing". It's the same as no network coverage except it gives you the slightest bit of hope because at any minute your connection to the rest of the world just might be repaired... Yeah right.

It's a good analogy for life actually. We are all dependent on the people around us- whether we actually like people or not. So in a way, our connection to people is like our internet connection. If we are in good space with the people in our lives then we're in a "Hot Spot" because our network coverage is excellent. Sometimes when we are going through stressed situations we have what we call "Limited Access" or "Connection Error". The difference between life and internet connection is that"Local Access Only" and "No Network Coverage" are different... "No Network Coverage" means you're dead or something. Sorry. 

"Local Access Only" refers to those times in life when you feel really alone. By 'Local' we are referring to ourselves... i.e. All we have left is ourselves. Sad, I know. Like the internet dilemma, we often go through these times feeling as though we needed or wanted the outside world the most at that point. Let me just say... OBVIOUSLY you're going to feel that way. No one ever wants to feel loneliness and connection is ALWAYS wanted and needed. However, sometimes it good to be in that place so you have time to look at yourself and ask yourself where you're actually going and where you're currently at in life. It gives you a time to slow down and think before getting caught up in the outside world all over again. For example, when my Internet was down yesterday, I was sad at first because I felt like blogging but then I was able to make better use of that time studying for my Maths Exams (The studying didn't really help though but maybe I won't fail as badly now!)It's absolutely horrible to be in a position where you feel like the world is slipping away and all the people that you love and care about are just no longer within your reach (while you can't do anything to stop it). It's honestly terrible and heart wrenching. When you experience Local Access Syndrome, I suggest you cry it out... or if crying isn't quite your thing, find a punching bag or talk a really long jog... or do something happy and mindless like playing Angry Birds or Plants VS Zombies. Just don't take it out on yourself... because that will only make your connection harder to repair. (Trust me: You want this to be over as soon as possible. You don't want to linger in a realm of self-inflicted suffering) 

Eventually, connection will be restored to your life. Somehow things get better when we accept our situations and make the best of what we have. Don't ever feel entitled to connection and you'll be less hurt when it's taken away from you but also don't expect life to constantly be horrible. I know this may sound cold, but just take it on the chin and battle it out (easier said than done!). Right now, I'm in the "Local Access Only" zone of life and I don't know when and how I'm going to get back my connection. I know it's going to happen and my server (for me, my Internet Server is God because He provides me with everything I need including the people in my life)will restore connection and I will be all the better for having dealt with Local Access in a healthy way.

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

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