Monday 12 December 2011


Take a look at your life from the perspective of an outsider. Is it as good as you thought it was? Or is it as screwed up as you claimed? You might be surprised by what you notice when you just come up for air and take a step back to marvel at what you have 
become or what you have been reduced to.

Think about what has gotten you to where you are today. Who are the people that influenced you or were influenced by you? Who said all the right things... And who actively tried to drive you over the edge? Are you a better person from your experiences? Or have you just stooped down to the lull of poor character that society has, for so long now, become accustomed to producing and encouraging. Think about whether or not you deserve what you have. You probably don't- and that's the case with most people. 

The thing is that when we look at our lives selfishly without considering what and who got us to where we are, we often miss out on what our lives truly have to offer mainly because we don't know what we've got... Until it's gone that is and that's when everyone decides to tell you you're an idiot for letting it go.

It's so easy to have a pity party and resign yourself to a life of misery or, on the other side of the scale, be oblivious of the way you treat others because of the personal bliss you may be experiencing. 

So, don't get caught up in your own agenda... We weren't put on Earth to merely go about by ourselves. Humans are a species rich in community and social dependency. We need to love each other and to be loved. Otherwise we might as well cast humanity aside and become beasts. 

For that is all we are without love for one another.


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