Sunday 1 January 2012

Our Own Poison

Is it not amazing how all our lives we live but to complicate one's own quest for happiness. Humanity demands that drama be employed as best to make our lives more 'interesting' for to be merely happy all of the time would be too far from the comforts that our society has groomed us for. Hence, our natural gravitation toward reality television programmes that encourage the idea that life is not so without an element of conflict at every turn.

The unfortunate fact of the matter is that we can hardly make any change to the necessity of complexities without considerable effort from an individual. It is only achieved when an active process is put into place within one's mind as to become part of the thought process one make use of. What makes this increasingly difficult is the fact that when one is twisting one's reality in order to bring about tension of some kind, we do it subconsciously. We cannot identify our actions urgently enough for them to be changed or rectified... or thought about further to a degree. All things, or most things, sound rational and tactful at the time of thought and we therefore act upon those thoughts, whether it be out of research or impulse, thinking that the consequences of which will result in the bettering of our lives.

Our choices lead us, often, to overly toxic and negative outcomes. Strangely, those outcomes become even more challenging to return from than to merely face. I suppose a cruelty of this world is what one calls RETROSPECT. We can always see the fault in our actions and our thought when we look back from where we have been thrust as consequence to said thoughts and actions. We suddenly see the other choices we could have considered that were not present in our minds at the time when the decision was of any relevance. We become angry at ourselves for not seeing what in the future becomes so desperately clear.

The most immediate thing one can decide upon doing is learning from the mistakes that were made. One cannot expect a different result should they be fixed upon executing the same process by which they failed before. Surround yourself with positivity and don't allow yourself to become negative in the presence of meanly stacked odds. My greatest caution would be against those who accuse you of pessimism whereby that is what you become. Be happy  regardless of the self-accusations of ill-informed halfwits who, quite honestly, probably don't care about you as much as you would like to think. Not only will your life be that much more pleasant, but one would receive the satisfaction of proving that person wrong. 

It is an idea that I would rather not dwell upon too long for risk of acute depression. We ruin our own lives more often than other people ruin ours. We are responsible for many of the hardships we end up facing merely because we allowed ourselves to feel certain ways, be affected by certain things and act upon certain supposedly sound ideas.

In this new year, I hope that within thought you and I can prevent all the complications one could definitely live without while also not craving the drama that so easily ensues as the result of wishful thinking. 

Happy New Year Teacups!


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