Tuesday 6 March 2012

Boyfriend Stealer

If I steal your boyfriend. I'm sorry.

He's an amazing person with a huge heart. Granted, he's a bit of a flirt but he doesn't always get the attention he deserves from you.

Don't tell him that you miss him and refuse to make time for him. Don't get upset when he's made because you never see each other outside of school. He honestly hasn't done anything wrong in that regard. He's always available for you to spend time with. Don't take that for granted. Someone else will come along who will appreciate that about him. Then who do you think he'll want to spend time with more? Someone who makes an effort? Or someone who just makes excuses?

Don't expect him to be perfect. He is human and is therefore bound to make a mistake or disappoint you at some point in time. It's not fair on him to have to live up to unrealistic expectations. It's a similar concept to the meeting of an immovable object and an unstoppable force. What do you get? Chaos, turmoil and the end of the world as we know it... which is how you react when he slips up... when he's human. It only pushes him further and further away as he realises he will never be able to make you happy so why bother when he can make someone else happy. He's going to be happier with someone who doesn't expect too much from him. In the end, your focus should be on his happiness instead of your own, right?

He is a sexy beast so I don't question your taste. Don't take him for granted but don't become consumed by him. He needs to know he's appreciated without feeling trapped by you. If you don't treat him with the respect he needs as a guy then allow me to steal him. I would LOVE to have a boyfriend that adores me the way he adores you.

You don't know how good some things are until they're gone so don't make me turn my slut on and steal him from you.



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